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Did we “Run It” from “Under the Umbrella”?

March 20, 2009

Post from Meagan (who may need a tutorial in how to post on wordpress):


Today Oprah talked for a the third time since the Chris Brown/Rhianna incident about domestic abuse on her show. Three times. It seems like a lot but when was the last time you heard anything about domestic violence? I could not tell you the last time I have, even though statistics say 1 in 4 women have been abused. I know lots of people do not like Oprah and her millions of dollars and billions of opinions but she is talking about the actual issue unlike most of the media who is over it and on to the next celebrity misfortune.


I was thinking about it more and wondering if as women we have actually been the ones to put the lid on the subject. We have fought and continue to fight for equal rights and in the process may have altered what people think about the issue of abuse. No matter how equal women are with men, in most cases men are physically stronger. How ever it pains us to admit it, it is true. This is one area where equality may never be achieved. So we don’t discuss it. I don’t want to think of myself as a weak woman that could be overpowered by a man. So now women think things like “well men get abused too”, “she started it”, “maybe she deserved it”. What?! 85%  of  people that are being abused are women. I would say that is a resounding enough figure to make it safe to say that this issue is mainly about the abuse of women. And since when is someone hitting you or coming at you an excuse to beat them be it a man or a women? As a woman, even a liberal forward thinking new age woman, it is never okay for a man or woman to hit me, but we don’t see many women going around hitting other women now do we? So thank you Oprah for reminding us about domestic violence because equal pay won’t mean much if we all have black eyes.

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